The Office of Senior Citizens Affairs and Elder Social Services operate in six separate units. These six areas are:
The Foster Grandparent Program provides opportunities for seniors 55 yearsor older, to work on a one-on-one basis with children with special needs, providing each child with love and attention. Foster Grandparents are assigned to various child care agencies, institutions and schools and work a minimum of 4 hours and a maximum of 8 hours per day. Transportation to and from the sites as well as a small stipend of $2.65/hr is provided. Additionally, a stipend of $1.95 is provided for those who will use their own transportation and coupons are provided to those volunteers who will be using public transportation.
To be eligible for volunteer service as a Foster Grandparent, a person must meet the federal income guidelines for this program. (These income guidelines are usually updated annually.)
All persons serving as Foster Grandparents must undergo a yearly physical examination to determine if they are physically able to carry out the duties required by the position. There is no minimum educational training requirement, but a person applying must have an interest in working with children who have special needs or a handicap, and must be patient, understanding and willing to accept supervision.
Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) was developed by the Administration on Aging of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Family Caregiver support program also offers support to those who care for dependent adults 60 years of age and older and relatives 55 years of age or older who are the primary caretakers of children under the age of 18. The main features of the services offered by the Family Caregiver Support Program to enable families to prolong the time during which they are able to care for a dependent adult at home and to minimize long-term emotional and financial costs.
The Senior Community Services Employment Program: (SCSEP) This program provides much needed subsidized, part-time employment for low-income Senior Citizens, age 55 or older.
Enrollees in the program receive wages at $7.25/hour and are provided on-the-job training and skill development. This program not only allows enrollees to be involved with the community and help in preserving their dignity, but also provides the community the benefit of their wisdom and life experiences.
This is an incredibly important prevention program, which provides up-to-date information to Senior Citizens on the services available to them in the community and connects them with the help they need.
The program administers a Senior Citizens Discount Program, which provides discounts at listed businesses via an ID Card; and publishes a Directory of Services Booklet.
The Department of Human Services has provided assistance to seniors to help meet their prescription medication needs since the 1980’s. Since 2006, the V.I. SPAP has been the supplementary payer of medication costs for Medicare Beneficiaries who also qualify for pharmaceutical assistance.
The Pharmaceutical Assistance Program is designed to provide financial assistance to seniors whose income is less than or equal to $18, 000.00 for a single person or $30, 000.00 for a couple, to assist with prescription drug needs. SPAP participants are required to pay an enrollment/identification card fee of $5.00; renewable every five years. A co-pay is required for each prescription at time of purchase. To be eligible for SPAP, you must be 60 years of age or older and must be a VI resident for at least 6 months. Proof of age, residency, medical status and income are required with the application.
If you are a Medicare recipient, you must be enrolled in Medicare Part A, Part B, or both. SPAP requires you to enroll in an approved VI Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. Additionally, you cannot be currently covered by a private insurance plan that pays for all or part of your prescription costs on a continuous basis – this does not include Medicare Part D. Medicaid beneficiaries are not eligible to participate in SPAP.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program: (RSVP) this is a wonderful volunteer program intended for persons 55 years and older who are retired or semi-retired.
It offers participants the opportunity to provide community services at Senior Citizen Centers, hospitals, schools and offices. The program provides reimbursement for meals and ground transportation to volunteers.
This unobtrusive program is probably one of the most valuable prevention programs in the territory not only saving lives and preventing untold human misery and stresses on families and caregivers, but also saving the territory significant amounts of money in medical costs.
Homemakers provide routine housekeeping chores, personal care and light meal preparation for persons 60 years or older who are confined to their homes. This minimizes the need for institutionalization. There is a much greater demand for the services of this program than the program can provide.
The continued mission of the Meals on Wheels program is to serve healthy, nutritious, and balanced meals according to the the USDA Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) Guidelines for our most vulnerable seniors in our community. When you combine good healthcare with proper nutrition, personal interaction, and shared communications, seniors are happier, healthier, and better able to manage their unique health needs.
Recreation is the specialized application of recreational and experimental activities or interventions that assist in maintaining or improving the health status, functional capacities, and ultimately the overall quality of life for individuals.
The Socio-Rec Program consists of of 6 senior centers throughout the Virgin Islands territory. The centers are located in various areas of the island to accommodate seniors who reside in different locations on the islands. The senior centers on St. Thomas are Anna’s Retreat and Project Strive, on St. Croix are Richmond and Aldershville, and on St. John are St. Ursula’s and Adrian center.
The centers’ hours of operation are:
10:00 AM- 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
The program provides an opportunity for senior citizens 60 or older to socialize and interact in a positive way while experiencing the joy and companionship of other seniors.
St. Thomas Senior Centers
Project Strive Senior Center
1300 Knud Hansen Complex
Hospital Ground
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Tel # ( 340) 774-0930 ext 4248
Annas Retreat Senior Center
4175 Annas Retreat
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Tel # (340) 775-1240 (340) 775-1240
ST. Croix Senior Centers
Richmond Senior Center
# 17 Richmond
St. Croix, VI 00820
Tel # (340) 773-6630 (340) 772-7148
St. John Senior Centers
Adrian Senior Center
16 Adrian
St. John , VI 00830
Tel # (340) 776-6144 (340) 776-6144
St. Ursula’s Senior Center
P.O. Box 199
Cruz Bay, St. John 00830
Tel # (340) 693-8580 (340) 693-8580
Hotline: (340)642-8820
1303 Hospital Ground
Knud Hansen Complex / Building A
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-0930
3012 Golden Rock
St Croix, VI 00820
(340) 718-2980
DHS Head Quarters in St. John
Cruz Bay, St. John
Phone (340) 776-6334
Fax (340) 779-4097
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