Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services is supported by a federal grant provided by United State Department of Education (USDE). VR services are related to the professional development of eligible individuals with disabilities. The following services are services offered through Vocational Rehabilitation.
Disabilities, Vocational and Rehabilitation Services Forms:
Authorization to release or obtain medical records
Disabilities & Rehabilitation Services Contact Listing (Click Here)
Independent Living –OIB provide support services for individuals age 55 or older whose severe visual impairment makes competitive employment difficult to obtain but for whom independent living goals are feasible.
Older Blind Flyer (Click Here)
Older Blind Application (Click Here)
Authorization to release or obtain medical records (Click Here)
ILS (Click Here)
In addition to employment services, supported employment provides extensive services, including long-term supports to individuals with the most significant disabilities. Contact your local VR office for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Disabilities & Rehabilitation Services Contact Listing (Click Here)
IPWD Flyer (Click Here)
RSA (Click Here)
DRCVI (Click Here)
DDC (Click Here)
ILS (Click Here)
Transition Services are a coordinated set of activities that assist youth with disabilities to successfully transition from high school to employment or post-secondary training opportunities.
Transition Flyer- English (Click Here)
Transition Flyer- Spanish (Click Here)
1303 Hospital Ground
Knud Hansen Complex / Building A
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-0930
3012 Golden Rock
St Croix, VI 00820
(340) 718-2980
DHS Head Quarters in St. John
Cruz Bay, St. John
Phone (340) 776-6334
Fax (340) 779-4097
© 2022 DHS VI | Developed by: Programming Solutions, Inc | Design by: Pinkney Creative, LLC