The Division of Intervention and Prevention Services (DIPS), formerly called the Division of Juvenile Justice, serves youth at risk for violating the law. This at-risk population includes youth with behavioral difficulties, persons in need of supervision (PINS), adjudicated youth and those minors remanded to Youth Rehabilitation Center (YRC). The staff of DIPS coordinate and arrange treatment and rehabilitative services tailored to the needs of adolescents and their families. The unit provides intervention, social work supportive services, referrals, counseling, and case management to families with chronic dysfunction, pre and post court-involvement.
St. Thomas District Manager: Vaughn Walwyn,
St. Croix District Manager: Carla Jarvis,
Field offices, one in the St. Croix district and one in the St. Thomas/St. John district office that provide crisis intervention, case management, monitoring of youth activities including court compliance, advocacy and referrals to community organizations; the Youth Rehabilitation Center, the only secured facility in the territory where minors are detained for violating Virgin Islands laws. Staffed with Correction Officers who provide a safe and structured milieu at the facility, a Treatment component that ensures the residents’ comprehensive well-being by developing programming for social and psychological health via collaborations with community organizations that come into the facility to provide mentorship, skills building and social integration, referrals to contracted therapists, counselors and other professionals and an on-site Nutrition component that is a participant in the USDA School Lunch Program via the Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE). Youth On The Rise is a fully staffed school on the grounds of YRC administered by VIDE to allow for a self-contained environment for residents; Field office workers are assigned to each resident for additional support, family engagement and case management services; and the Anna’s Hope Group Home (AHGH) which serves youth over age 12 years old needing emergency placement, court ordered evaluations and respite. Staff provide supervision and guidance. Therapeutic services are outsourced contracted by the Department of Human Services. Residents continue attending school and participating in activities that they were engaged in prior to admission as much as possible to foster a sense of normalcy.
1303 Hospital Ground
Knud Hansen Complex / Building A
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-0930
3012 Golden Rock
St Croix, VI 00820
(340) 718-2980
DHS Head Quarters in St. John
Cruz Bay, St. John
Phone (340) 776-6334
Fax (340) 779-4097
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