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Averil George Commissioner

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Child Care and
Regulatory Services

The Office of Child Care and Regulatory Services (OCCRS)combines three key child care governance functions under one lead agency. The OCCRS’ three components are: the Subsidy Resource and Referral Unit which administers the federal Child Care Development Fund Program (CCDF) that provides subsidies to parents and families for child care; the Licensing Unit which licenses/certifies private and government-operated child care facilities and monitors all child care and learning programs in the territory to ensure that children are in safe, stimulating and healthy environments; and the Quality Improvement Unit provides services to increase the quality of child care through consumer education, caregiver/teacher training and provision of resources for quality improvement. As a key prevention program within the territory, the Child Care Development Fund program is one of the most important within the DHS for addressing working parents’ growing need for quality child care.


Administrator: Tishma Tucker Lans,


Forms, Policies
& Reports

Informal Provider FFN Flyer

Informal FFN Flyer

VIPD Police Record Check Application

VIPD Police Record Check Application

Preliminary Application

OCCRS Preliminary Application -English

OCCRS Preliminary Application -Spanish

Provider Requirement Guide Video

Provider Requirement Guide

Rules and Regulations for Child Care Facilities

The revised ruled and regulations for Child Care facilities can be accessed by the following link:

Revised Rules and Regulations for Child Care Facilities

OCCRS Subsidy Policy Rules and Regulations

OCCRS Subsidy Policy Rules and Regulations

Policy Memoranda 2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 102-FY-2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 103-FY-2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 104-FY-2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 105-FY-2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 106-FY-2019

Child Care Complaint Policy 2019

Policy Memorandum OCCRS 101-FY-2019

Day Care Listings & Services

St. Thomas Licensed Day Care Listings

St. Croix Licensed Day Care Listings

Licensure Applications: PDF files

After School Programs (click here)

Day Care Facility (click here)

Day Care Center (click here)

Children’s Camp Registration (click here)

Children’s Camp Facility (click here)

Family Day Care (click here)

Group Day Care (click here)


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