This program is not responsible for the administration of either the Youth Rehabilitation Center for adjudicated delinquents or either of the two Homes for the Aged administered by DHS.
The Office of Residential and Interstate Compact Affairs (ORICA) coordinates, facilitates, and monitors residential placements and therapeutic progress both locally and outside of the Territory for children, adolescents, and adults who present with a variety of developmental, psychological, and/or youth conduct and behavioral issues which require specialized treatment outside of the traditional home setting. This office leads and manages specified residential services for clients of the departments of Human Services, Education and Health (DOH) to consolidate funds and avoid duplication of functions. All services are provided through Professional Services Contracts between the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands and private corporations.
The Office of Residential and Interstate Compact Affairs manages the jurisdiction’s Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children and Interstate Compact for Juveniles functions.
Administrator: Eavey Monique James,
1303 Hospital Ground
Knud Hansen Complex / Building A
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-0930
3012 Golden Rock
St Croix, VI 00820
(340) 718-2980
DHS Head Quarters in St. John
Cruz Bay, St. John
Phone (340) 776-6334
Fax (340) 779-4097
© 2022 DHS VI | Developed by: Programming Solutions, Inc | Design by: Pinkney Creative, LLC